Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front- Writing Response #3

Author’s Note: I was inspired by the idea of growing up. These men had to age so quickly to be mature enough to handle war, yet even then, they still aren’t prepared or manly enough. This poem shows how some things from our childhood remain important for the rest of our lives, just like how the men are always playing games or teasing each other.
*I tried to work on my word choice and use kind of a driving/travelling theme for the diction in the piece, representing life’s never ending journey*

Adulthood Journey
Bigger, older, up,
Growing in every way.
Distancing our childhood,
Keeping just the memories.

Leaving behind innocence,
Traveling to experience.
Disregarding games and dolls,
Packing up our morals.

Some things carry no importance,
No need to remember.
Cartoons, toys and sassiness,
Depart us in a year.

Others we will never lose,
Never leave our minds.
Manners, thanks and happiness,
Will follow us forever.

The small belongings from our trip
These pieces we will carry,
Appear to be insignificant,
But eventually, construct our world.

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