Sunday, March 11, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front- Writing Response #3

Author's Note: I wrote this piece about the miracle of life. The fact that there are so many evils in the world that appear to be "out to get us" makes life an adventure. The obstacles of evil try to slow us down but we have to persevere. We have to appreciate what is given and enjoy every moment. Enjoy(:

Life is a beautiful miracle—from trees to grass, from animals to people, from birth to death. We’re always told to appreciate what we have, because everything is a gift. After all, life is an once-in-a-lifetime adventure. But what’s the proof of this? Think about the numerous ways there are to die. So many people die every day, it’s a miracle we’re still alive. Nothing is guaranteed with our health, and life is a privilege, not a right. At any moment, the precious present of life can be snatched from our possession. All we can do is appreciate the time we have and take advantage of the memories we create. Avoid the bad, appreciate the good. If we don’t become tempted to the evil we could be a world of beautiful people. Miracles surround us constantly, and sometimes, we must take a step back and appreciate the fact that we are simply still alive.

“But had he not abandoned himself to the impulse he would now be a heap of mangled flesh.”

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