Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jekyll and Hyde #1

Author’s Note: Not knowing everything seemed to be a reoccurring theme in the first three chapters of Jekyll and Hyde. It always appeared as if there was a little piece of information that the characters weren’t given and had to do without. I decided to write about this topic. I feel like I could’ve made this a little longer, but I think I got my point across in how it is now. These were the quotes I was inspired from…
“…and I always mean
to see more of him…” (57).
“’I have been learning something of young Hyde’” (57).

Constantly spinning, the world rotates, taking with it oddly shaped pieces that would help solve the puzzle we are forever creating. It seems as if this powerful planet is persistently trying to hide things so we cannot piece together all of the answers to life’s questions. It’s as if there is a bigger cause, a reason we cannot easily retrieve the information we want, a motive behind the confusion, an explanation for the worry and grief we must experience.

If we were to take a step back, just to realize what we are given, we might be able to comprehend that maybe, just maybe, we are better off not knowing everything. If we knew all there is to know, nothing would interest us any longer. And as humans, excitement is what we live for. Life is better with a little unknown, a little mystery, a little discovery.


  1. I really liked your piece. I thought that the length was perfect. You got your point across which was good. I also agree with your last paragraph. Life does need excitement otherwise this would be a pretty boring world! Nice Job.

  2. I agree to a degree! (Ha! Right?!) I see the need for more explication, more specifics - only because I LOVE where your mind is going with this!!!! Explain it, be it, think it, describe it, WRITE IT!!! Feel free to elaborate on your ideas at any time!

  3. Jennifer you did a really good job! I like how you were more creative and didn't just write a direct response. The flow of your story is really good and it makes me wonder what will happen in the next few chapters as the characters find more information that might be better left unknown. Nice job getting your point across in so few words! I really have no suggestions. This is fine the way it is. Great job! :)
